[In this conversation, Awino Okech and Nana Darkoa chat about the politics of bodies, debates on sex positivity, feminisms, sexualities and resisting patriarchy. Join the conversation in the comments box] N.D.S: I have been thinking a lot …
Blog Posts
I am tired of bad sex. Now don’t get me wrong: throughout my twenties, I have had some of the most adventurous and thrilling sexual experiences. But this period also came with some very awkward, uncomfortable …
[This post was read at #Chalewote2016 as part of Timehin’s contribution to the panel readings and conversation. Thank you Timehin for your incredible contributions to the Spirit Women session.] It’s a bit ironic that I feel …
[Thank you and the spirits for responding to this call. The audience at Chalewote deeply appreciated it. Thank you Sokari for allowing your powerful images of Spirit Desire to be shared on this platform] Dear Adventures, …
One of the really amazing things that keeps happening with the Spirit Women panel we will be holding at #Chalewote2016 is how all the right people and right energies are coming together to create what is …
I’m delighted that ‘Adventures’ is returning to #Chalewote this year with my love and co-conspirator Paula Azugibiwe who is all kinds of wonderful: a talented writer/editor, all round creative, and probably one of the biggest supporters of …
I am delighted to have Nana Akosua Hanson return to the ‘Adventures’ session at Chalewote2016 which I organise with my sister friend Paula. Enjoy Nana Akosua’s contribution to our Spirit Women call out, and send your …
Recently I was having a conversation with some fellow African feminists and over the vino we were getting into issues of where and how to get your good sex and the issue of intersectionality came up, …
Dear Adventurers, what advice would you give to this gentleman below. Do share in the comments. And Nnenna, nope, we don’t have the forums anymore 😛 I’m a Nigerian male in my early 40’s.. I’ve been …
Adventures is calling for stories from spirit women for a session that will take place at #ChaleWote2016 – Africa’s largest street art festival. See more info on SPIRIT WOMEN below, and if this strikes a chord, share …