14th October 2022. Before the Party 18:30 We just got back from the beach. The plan for the day had been to go shopping at Makola, get herb at the beach and come home to rest …
Tag: african women
Written by Omekedo Efemena Obialunamma *Please note that names are changed to protect the identity of the women whose stories are shared in this post. Abortion is still a taboo topic in many African societies. To obtain …
Written by Aliyah Like many other girls, I grew up being told to remain “a virgin” till I got married. At the beginning, it made sense—that my worth was tied to sex or in this case, …
Written by Bùnmi. The first time I felt shame about the fact that I masturbate is when I heard a group of pastors that came to my secondary school to evangelize condemn it as a sin. …
Being dominant had never really been for me. I was always that nice little sub who did what they were asked, until recently. Words started to stick themselves to the tip of my tongue, sitting there …
If this world made sense, I’d probably always walk around without a shirt. I’ve known this since I was old enough to take off my own clothes. I enjoy the feel of my skin against my …
By Billy Hani Fingering is often viewed as ‘less than’ in terms of penetrative sex. Due to heterosexual norms, ‘penetrative sex’ is only seen to be valid when it involves a penis. Otherwise, it is simply …
Like with any relationship, monogamous or not, safety is a big thing that needs careful attention and thought. The responsibility to maintain safety increases when you are intimately involved with more than one person; simply …
Written by Naomi Despite Kewa being the hottest woman alive, she also got on my nerves a lot. She wasn’t very accountable for the things she said and when I brought them up, I was suddenly …
For you. I do this for you. Because I want to please you. Because your pleasure is mine too. Because your pleasure is a gift you give me; a sacred token I dare not refuse, lest …