Here I am once again, crying about my pussy. This has been happening a lot lately. Since things ended with that man. Although I can’t be sure things ended because of my dysfunctional vagina, I can’t …
Author: Guest
Over the last few months, The virtual festival Adventures Live! 2020 has seen us on an exciting communal odyssey of Desire. Since our launch in July, we’ve explored Desire, what it tastes like, what it smells …
Allow me to take you on a ride, to introduce you to the man that worshipped my body into a full body orgasm. I had only ever heard of those from my beloved circle of Vagina …
On August 14, four parents joined an #AdventuresLive2020 panel to share their experiences and perspectives on the complex topic of raising children without sexual shame. Timehin Adegbeye came through from Nigeria, Fatime Faye from Senegal and …
Dear lover, There are things I want you to do to me, but I cannot say them. If you’re reading this, I want you to know that my life is hard. I cannot be in charge …
“Two’s company, three’s a crowd”, the saying goes—but in the Odyssey of Desire, this loaded arithmetic is disproved by the logic of self-love. “You are your own person. When you couple up with a partner, you …
I am on my 2nd glass of infused juice and I am feeling really good. It’s just the right amount to make me feel quite happily relaxed but still well in control. I am next to …
Breath work, sexual liberation, consent and boundaries, ‘intertextual loving and holding,’ starting new relationships in the time of Covid-19, these were a few of the topics discussed in our very first live chat for Adventures Live …
You’re too nice and that’s why men and people in general normally mostly have the nerve to say the things they say to you. Too nice. Play nice. Be nice. The word monster in me wanted …
Recently someone close to me made a joke along the lines of “Yawa. Nyi kondele ka timo nade sani gi curfew ni?” which roughly translated to how were female sex workers known to mostly operate in …