Hello Lovely People! Today I’ve decided to wade into the controversial waters of gay/ lesbian rights. Most Africans are ‘allegedly’ conservative and so it appears that the farther a person strays from vanilla sex (vanilla sex …
Author: Guest
Whether you live in Accra, Ghana or Akron, Ohio in the US, as a woman of African descent you know what it means to have your sexual health and pleasure controlled by someone else. You could …
A girls virginity is something to be treasured right? (well that’s what they say anyway). People build such anticipation for that first time you give yourself to someone. Will you enjoy it? Will it be painful? …
It started innocently enough. Drinking games on a summer afternoon. A group of young ladies cackling about, men, education, boys, friends, fellas, holiday drunkenness and of course men. Hours passed and when the sun disappeared so …
Yes ladies, we’re going there today! It’s the thing that everyone does but hates to talk about and I’m not referring to farting 🙂 Ok, I agree- not everyone does it. Take my big sister for …
‘So…can you send me a picture?’, his voice trailed off on the other end of the line. Now, since the conversation had taken on a strong sexual undertone, I knew exactly what he meant. ‘Um…what kind …
Dear Missie (short version of Mistress), You probably expect this to be another article that condemns you and tells you you’re a horrible person for banging another woman’s husband. You probably expect me to urge you …
My uncle raped me when I was four. Sometimes, I ask myself what he found so attractive about me at that age to make him do that to me. Was it my flat, unripe bosom? Or …
Polygamy is the devil. If you thought that the devil’s zipcode was hell, I am here to tell you that he has been residing and bedding our African society, for ages. It is time that we, …
It was the Easter break and I had decided to stay on campus till the Easter Saturday evening before going home. I live just across town, no need rushing home, for just a week’s break. Home …