My uncle raped me when I was four. Sometimes, I ask myself what he found so attractive about me at that age to make him do that to me. Was it my flat, unripe bosom? Or …
Author: Guest
Polygamy is the devil. If you thought that the devil’s zipcode was hell, I am here to tell you that he has been residing and bedding our African society, for ages. It is time that we, …
It was the Easter break and I had decided to stay on campus till the Easter Saturday evening before going home. I live just across town, no need rushing home, for just a week’s break. Home …
What good things come out of the visa office? The smell of immigrant lust lingers above the warm plastic chairs; the sweaty shuffle between tiny meaningless bureaucratic indignities. The perfect place to find a date! Of …
The light in the room is dim, that kind of almost candle-light glow coming from a small lamp. We are being reckless, laughing through the corridor where our friends can hear us, running into the bedroom …
When did you hear the word “fuck” for the first time? I heard it for the first time in Sunday school when I was an innocent eight-year-old girl (yes, I will start therapy soon). An impish …
[A little bird tells me that Bandeka has an Accra mixer this Thursday. Surely there is no better time to share the post that I had asked Bandeka girl to write for me a lil while …
It was a pleasant mid-summer afternoon and I was walking through the city centre with a colleague when I asked whether our co-worker Tom – fashionable, stick thin, skinny jeans-wearing, long fringe-flipping, gay and proud Tom …
So it was my first year of university and I had developed a teenage tendency to crush hard and assume that every man I met was the one. I was young I was naïve but the …
It has long been a dream of mine to be fucked in Twi, my mother tongue. To have the language I was scolded in as a child used on me in the bedroom until my body …