“Sit there, and don’t move until I tell you to.” Furious. There was no other word for the way Pomaa was feeling. She stepped into the shower and waited for a flood of other emotions to …
Category: Series
The scent of something sweet hung in the air and hugged her senses. Was that nutmeg? It was hard to tell. There were so many pleasant aromas jousting for dominance in the room that it …
Frema picked at her plate and sighed, occasionally shooting Pomaa crestfallen glances through glassy eyes. The last time Pomaa had seen Frema this disconsolate was when Shabba Ranks had come to Ghana and Auntie Sinticlaire forbade …
“Why does he keep sending you notes on exercise book paper? Doesn’t he have a cell phone?” “I don’t know…I’ve never asked him for his number.” Pomaa took a carefully folded piece of paper from a …
It’s difficult to explain the rush of fluids within my system every time I look at Kwame. And those fluids? All so delicious and welcome. They say you do not need to be with everyone you …
“How did you find me?” Pomaa winced as Akoto dabbed her left eye with a cold, wet cloth. He whispered soothing apologies as he cleaned her wounds. “It was Freddie who actually found you,” he admitted. …
*Note: This next post has been written to the precise specifications that Abena Y set forth. I don’t like trouble! The concrete floor grated like sandpaper beneath her feet. *Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh!* Every step was …
So these were to be the instruments of her torture. Six inch cloth strips. A flat wooden spatula. A bubbling pot of molten wax – all waiting to do the bidding of the grim faced Jamaican …
The entrance to the Amakom Children’s Park was a sad sight. The fence surrounding it had long fallen into disrepair, the ground was overrun with weeds and what were certainly once splendid shelters were reduced …
Two months. It had been two months since Pomaa had taken on three of Uncle Ekow’s projects and seen them to completion. Pomaa still had not been paid for her labor. That was the funny thing …