When I was growing up my mother used to tell me that she was saving up money so that when she gets to her retirement age, she can have herself moved into an old age home …
Tag: african women
I need to buy a new nightdress. The one I’ve been wearing is torn all the way down the armpit and around the neck. It’s an old nightdress so it’s paid its dues, so to speak. …
“Nimechoka kupendwa kwa giza kama mihadarati” (I’m tired of being loved in the dark like illegal drugs) My best friend said this to me when we both got turned down at the same time by these …
Freedom is- Transgression Break every rule there is! Take back every part of yourself Defy, disobey, disrupt! Freedom is risk- Make them uncomfortable Make them show themselves Make them pick a side Take of their masks …
Part One: “Billy’s Hella Fuckable” Like when Lady MC said,“This chair looks hella empty,Needs something to sit on it”That’s what i’d say about Billy’s face Like-Afrobeat yoga? I mean,Did my ancestors point you directlyto my pussy …
You make me want to be brave. Brave like – Let’s fuck-this-shit snap and fall in love with each other. I need to pause now to let the fear wash all over me. Fall in Love …
I definitely have a type when it comes to dudes. I like them skinny. Skinny niggas can fuuuck! I like them vain too; (It’s a turn on when you know just how goddam beautiful you are) …
“I can’t marry you.” Those were the words that kept ringing in my head ever since he said them to me. My relationship of 3 years ended months ago and while everyone is talking about how …
Whenever my mother’s voice ricochets, I suddenly think of the first night I slept with a man. I think of the moments before he poured his sorrow in me – the ecstasy, the minute euphoria of …
Am I afraid to have children? Yes, definitely. Not because of the usual “having people depend on me” type of reason, but the ones along the lines of “if they have a spec of the mischief …