She lowers her head and I shut my eyes as she kisses me, tenderly this time. I kiss her back. She pulls back and whispers against my mouth, her forehead against mine. “You finally stopped thinking.” …
Tag: african women
She held my hand and then led me in the direction of what I assumed was the bedroom. It turned out it wasn’t. It was the bathroom. She shed her clothes and asked me to do …
“But how do you deal with jealousy?” This is the commonest question I’ve had in all my years living as an out non-monogamous person, and in my work as an intimacy and sex coach. I hear …
The rest of the week went by without her coming on to me or anything. I didn’t avoid her but I also didn’t try to get close to her or anything. It was Friday and we …
I am a control freak. It’s one of the reasons I don’t have a boyfriend. I tend to intimidate the guys I date. I try to be weak and needy but it’s just not me. I …
I entered the stall and leaned against the wall for a second. I did not need to use the bathroom. I just needed to get away from her gaze. I wasn’t scared of her, no. She …
I saw a tweet by Laetitia Ky on body hair. In the tweet, her armpits and those of her companion were bushy, and it was obvious they were flaunting their hair. After all, the post was …
“You know, you look quite sexy when you’re trying to concentrate. Especially when you worry your lower lip between your teeth like that.” I refused to fall for the bait. My deadline was two weeks ago. …
The thing about reading erotica when you’re single is that there’s no one to help you relieve the ensuing ache. I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself. It’s ten in the evening on …
14th October 2022. “Go and finger the girl in green.” She said this between kisses, while I was straddling her. This confused me momentarily, because my girlfriend is very aware that I never make the first …